Friday, December 19, 2014

What is all this BCE and CE stuff?

Did you know that if you look in many of your child's 
textbook these days, you will most likely see dates 
that say "400 BCEinstead of the "400 BC
that you grew up?

And the year we live in is now referred 
to as "2014 CE" instead of "2014 AD"

So what is this BCE and CE stuff?

It's a "non-offending" way to date things 
claiming to be a bit more accurate. You know, for 
the wise and educated people.

You see "BCE" stands for "Before the Common Era" but it
still is based on the same date in history when Jesus Christ 
was know, "Before Christ"....

And "CE" stands for "Common Era" which is
used instead of AD (not "After Death" but
 the Latin "Anno Domini" meaning in the year of our Lord).

I'm sorry, since when does a calendar acronym offend people?

This appears to me like a subtle way to rename something
in hopes that the next generation will hear about Christ less and less....

Just like Santa stealing the spotlight of Christmas, this
seems to be a way to "quietly" take Christ out of the calender.
Not sure why this bothers me so much but it does....I don't
want my children to believe they are just living in the COMMON ERA.

They are living in the time After Death but before the return of Christ....

The day when the calendar no longer matters....
but what you believe does...

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Ever wrestle with a choice that keeps popping up but you really 
don't want to make the difficult decision?

Maybe you try a new approach to the problem 
and hope things will get better.....

.....But it doesn't......

....because deep down, you know to really address the problem.... might actually have to give up something...

This is how I felt about "THE HOME SCHOOL" decision...

You see, summer was coming to a close and 
my youngest was going to Kindergarten ALL DAY.

The "light at the end of the tunnel" was almost here!

There was that hint of the long awaited freedom of mothering young ones
and finally some time with my husband!

Everyone kept asking...."what are you going to do all day?"....

I didn't really know but I knew I would find something to do for 
30 hours a week while my three children were at school!

BUT, Sarah had a very difficult 3 weeks as she attempted to transition
to middle school this past September. Her anxiety levels were
extremely high due to that fact she threw up just 4 months before
which is her worst fear (emetophobia).

It became more and more apparent that the 
learning environment was too difficult for her and 
we might have to consider pulling her out.

Bryan was very supportive about my teaching abilities and
passion for curriculum and learning. 

I was more concerned of the extreme contrast of
personalities and learning styles of
 the teacher and the student.

BUT God spoke through many other people 
and after prayers and quiet time listening....

.....I knew I was being asked to
sacrifice my free time and become the 
teacher I always wanted to be....

It was for her provide her an environment
to learn and grow in her faith.....

The reward far outweighted the cost....and so I raised my white flag....

The journey so far has had it's ups and downs....

There have been many "down" days that test my patience 
as a mom and a teacher....

Those days I vent my frustrations to God and say...."See, I knew this would happen!!! How is this even worth it? I can't do this anymore.".....

And then my wise teacher gently reminds me....
"this is not about you....this is for her good and MY GLORY...."

But the "ups" now outweigh the "downs" and I have truly gotten
to know my daughter so much better over the past three months as we have spent one-on-one time each and every week day. 

She is an amazingly, creative person whose laughter explodes out
of her heart and fills the house with indescribable joy!

A girl now transforming into a beautiful young woman 
who loves Jesus with a bold faith that takes my breath away....

but my sacrifice doesn't even compare to 
the sacrifice of the one who loves me.....

I guess sacrifice is something that 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

What does Christmas look like.....then & now...

One of my treasured childhood memories of Christmas 
is visiting a live nativity that my church did each year....

The breathtaking view of a simple stable 
with a baby laying in a manger of hay.....

.....people there to come and adore Him....Jesus...the reason for the season.

...hearing the classic hymns playing softly in the background........

"Away in the room for a bed...
..the little Lord Jesus laid down his sweet head...." a little girl of 8 years, I dreamed that 
one day maybe I could be Mary....

Now I am a grown woman and I gaze around at what Christmas 
looks like just 30 years later......and my heart is sad....

The nativity scenes.....they are few and far between..
..most of made of plastic now.....

The signs around town display where Santa will be visiting next 
so all can come and take their picture with them 
and tell him what they want for Christmas this year....

The big focus on GETTING rather than GIVING....

The stores are selling elves that watch 
over you to see if you are being good.....

But God is already watching you and His arms are wide 
open in love....ready to meet your every need....not the 
"wants" of a new gadget or the newest fashion "must-have"....

So, what does Christmas look like around you?

Does it remind you of your past? 

This generation is critical because we still remember 
when it was OK to tell

instead of "HAPPY HOLIDAYS"....

...when it was OK to say you believed in JESUS and 
that Christmas is when we celebrate his birthday!

So this calling is to bring the Christ back into CHRISTmas....

More about giving and less about getting...

So we all went to the manger together....

....a Christmas event that families can attend & take their picture not with Santa but with the King of Kings....the best gift that was given!

December 2014 was the first MIRACLE IN THE MANGER event....

...and nearly 100 people came to adore the newborn King.....the images captured that day are filled with the beauty of His glory and they take my breath away....follow the link below to see some of the images of the Christ child and some of his treasured children....

Monday, September 15, 2014

Do you love your job.....

I don’t think Matthew liked his. Not deep down in his heart.

Matthew (formally called Levi) was a Jew that worked for the Romans, the enemy. He was a customs officer in Capernaum that collected tax money from his own people. This was a job that no Jew should desire. But, this job promised much wealth.

“Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income.”  Ecclesiastes 5:10

There is danger when we only work "to pay the bills". We may feel we HAVE to work to pay the debts of the house, car, boat, etc. Or maybe we work because we need insurance for our families. Or maybe we work because we enjoy the security it makes us feel. Beware these lies....

“For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows.” 1 Timothy 6:10

Matthew, a smart man, desired wealth so he chose a job that would get him that. For one to be a tax collector, you needed to have a good education and great record-keeping skills. Matthew had both of these. He was also probably bilingual, knowing Aramaic as well as Greek. 

He had great potential…...yet, he chose a career that not only “paid the bills” but allowed him to “take quite a bit off the top for himself” if he so desired. Oh, the temptation to be dishonest and let greed fill his heart and mind. 

King David understood the power that money can have and asked God to help him love the right thing…..“Give me an eagerness for your laws rather than a love for money!”  Psalm 119:36

This is SO HARD while living in this materialistic world....("we are living in a material world"....okay Madonna fans....I know your singing with me.....)

Anyway, I was a software engineer for 10 years. I know the sweet temptation of money and the comfort/security it brings. I would be lying if I said I didn't miss it sometimes.....

But I wonder if Matthew knew when he took the job how much his own people would despise him?

For in those days, a tax collector was barred from the synagogue, from worship. They were an outcast from their people and their religion. He had lost all his friends and his family but he was “rich”. 

Perhaps deep down in his heart though, he was disappointed and lonely until the day when he hears that Jesus of Nazareth was in town. The great teacher that had everyone talking. He had healed the sick, feed thousands of hungry people and this Jesus spoke of a love and acceptance that Matthew longing for.

Imagine the surprise and quiet excitement in Matthew's eyes as he sees Jesus walking up to his tax booth that morning!  

“He is here?!! Really here…” 

Jesus stopped and looked deeply into Matthew's eyes….

....into the brokenness of his heart...

...and says...“Follow Me”......

.....Two simple words that would require a total career change..... 

Matthew would have to leave all the money behind and follow this new teacher.

His response to those two words changed His life....

So I ask again….do you love your job?

Does it fit the talents and gifts God gave you? 

Are you able to share God’s love to the people you work with and shine His light there? Or you are just working “to pay the bills?”  

This life was not meant for us to eat, sleep, work and finally retire so we can do the things we dream of doing. 

Jesus came so you can live life abundantly….RIGHT NOW!!!!

Take a few minutes to think about your job….if Jesus came up to you today, what would he see in your eyes and in your heart? 

Someone satisfied and happy? Someone lonely? Someone working to pay the bills? 

What would you do if Jesus said….”Follow Me”......

Thursday, July 24, 2014

What's on your plate?

We still have over 30% of summer left but the 
stores have already put out all the school supplies....., we are tempted to begin to think about fall....., sports, activities, back to routines....

So, what's going to be on your plate this fall?

I challenge you before you start adding stuff
 to take a look at what is currently on your plate....

I've started drawing out "my plate of the season" 
because I was getting overwhelmed
 with all the stuff there seemed to be going on....

What I didn't realize was how helpful drawing it out would be.... 

I suddenly realized my plate was not  "well balanced"....

Most of us know the well-balanced meal image to 
round off your plate but this concept  
works great with time management as well.

Since I am a woman, a wife, a mother and a US citizen,
my plate can be divided into four different sections. 

Yours might have different partitions. If you work outside 
the home, you are also an employee or you may 
not have children or a spouse.

I wrote down all the things our family had planned to do that 
season and put them in the correct section on my plate.....

Then I asked myself a few tough questions....

Was I taking time for myself? 

Was I taking time with my husband?

How many activities fell into the kid section of my plate? 

Were all these activities beneficial to improve the 
character and well-being of my child?

Was I taking time to serve others locally and globally?

Next, it was time to decide if I needed to "clean my plate" a bit....

The first plate I made this past spring had way too many kid 
things on it and not enough wife things. 

I also noticed too many things "for others" that 
made it difficult to take time for "self".

So I adjusted my plate....

I stepped out of some ministry things and set 
aside time to have monthly dates with my husband. 

I only allowed one activity per child per season 
so we weren't running around all the time.

If you feel like doing a seasonal "plate check", here are 
some questions to ask yourself as you "fill your plate" with 
what your fall might look like this year....

For me, there is another part of my plate that influences 
all the other is my princess portion 
because I am a child of the Most High King.

Taking time to grow closer to God has helped me 
balance and enjoy the rest of my plate.

Spending time with someone that loves me no matter what 
and cherishes time spent with me has transformed 
me into a more loving, patient person.

I am now someone that takes a few extra seconds to react or even 
takes a day to decide if the activity really fits on my plate.

This world is full of activities and things to keep you "BUSY"....

Take a moment before fall is here to ask yourself.....


and then ask yourself:

Do I need to adjust my "portions" or perhaps "clean my plate" a bit? 

What am I missing to better balance my plate and my time?

Taking time to do a "plate check" may be the 
most helpful "activity" you do to prepare for fall!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

It's hard to say goodbye.....

Letting go can be difficult.....Saying goodbye hurts.....

It hurts when you are asked to let go of something that has been a part of your life for a season....

Deep wonder....won't things feel empty without this?

My life will be so much different as I let this go.....

King Solomon had a different perspective....

"Sorrow is better than laughter because, in spite of a sad face, the heart can be joyful." 
     Ecclesiastes 7:3 

I woke up today feeling like a part of me was slipping away....knowing that a new season was coming and it was time to accept the changes...

You see my youngest child is going to Kindergarten in just 6 weeks....

This preschool era has been a part of my life for over 10 years.... 

A decade of playdough and crayola....slowly fading into sweet memories....

It makes a part of my heart weep and yet a part rejoice!

This is the MOPS theme verse for this year......and it speaks deeply to the part of me that is standing on the verge of a very new thing....

I feel scared, excited and sad....all at the same time....

So as I struggled this morning to keep those sad thoughts and feelings at bay....I tried a variety of distraction techniques....

I tried to stay busy organizing things....but that didn't make the hurt go away.

I started to browse around on the Internet to buy something....but that didn't seem to satisfy the real craving I was having.....

So, I went into the kitchen to look for some chocolate.....didn't find any.....but what I did see was my iPod......

I slowly put in my earbuds and turned on some soft worship music.....and my heart smiled....aaahhh....the power of music....

It transported me past the hurt of this world and the thoughts that this life is just going too fast.....

If I keep trying to hold on too tight....I can't enjoy the moment.....I get stuck in past memories....

I slowly began to live IN THE MOMENT....TODAY....NOW......wrapped up in the love coming through the music.....and I found my joy again.

"They will enter Jerusalem singing, crowned with everlasting joy. Sorrow and mourning will disappear, and they will be filled with joy and gladness."  Isaiah 51:11

"Today is the day, you have made...I will rejoice and be glad in it!!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Learning a new language.....

Hola! Mi nombre es Krista. ¿Cómo estás?....

or perhaps....

Bonjour! Mon nom est Krista. Comment êtes-vous?

English translation....

Hello! My name is Krista. How are you?

Learning another language takes time, patience and commitment. Some families send their children to immersion schools. Their kids are taught exclusively in a second language all day long and they quickly pick up this new way to speak. 

So, how can you communicate with God? What is His language?

I would hear people say that God "spoke to them" and I can I hear God? I know praying is talking to God but will he really respond to me with WORDS? 

How does He do that? What would he say?  Could I really communicate?

So I began to study a new language and now God speaks to me.

He speaks with Scripture.....His language is His Word.....

The more time I spent reading my Bible.....the more words, phrases and sentences I added into this new "second language" of mine. 

My Scripture vocabulary has increased over the past year and when God wants to talk with me, He has more words to choose from our common language.

For example.....I was in the kitchen one day and the kids were fighting in the other room. I was getting annoyed and then a bit angry with all the noise. Suddenly a quiet thought came.... 

"In your anger, do not sin"....."Be slow to speak".....

God was reminding me not to snap at my kids with angry words.....

I heard this gentle reminder and my anger cooled off.

I could take a moment to listen to what the real problem was in the other room. 

It was more then just noisy children.....someone's feelings were being hurt and I needed to teach them that words matter....

"Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those that hear them"

Of course, if I would have stomped in there angry and yelling with my words....I would not have been a very good teacher.

I encourage you to take time to read your Bible today. 

Stop and focus on one or two verses that seem to stand out to you. 

Read them....Practice saying them....think about how they apply to your life. 

This will add words into your Scripture vocabulary.

God wants to speak to you.....

He loves you and wants to have a close friendship with you. 

Think of your friends here on earth....Friends spend time getting to know each other and talking with each other. 

God wants to be your very best friend.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Pull up the anchor......

Ahoy matey! Have you ever been sailing?  

The amazing power of the wind guiding you and taking you to your next destination....

But in order to go on these incredible adventures, you must pull up the anchor of the boat.

With a heavy anchor holding down the ship, it cannot sail freely.

Our faith is like a sailboat

God's spirit is the wind for our sails. He can take us on adventures we could never dream of. 

But we ourselves can be the anchor

Holding onto things and not allowing our ship of faith to leave the harbor. 

Have you ever felt called to do something but the fear of the unknown as stopped you from "setting sail"?

Have you ever been ready to quit a bad habit but the thought of what it would take to change kept you from even "starting the voyage"?

Remember....God can't steer an anchored ship.

In order for Him to guide you to your next place of promise, you need to trust Him and let go. 

You need to be willing to pull up your anchor of safety and set sail in FAITH!!!  

Your adventure awaits you but the choice to trust the one steering the ship is up to you!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Learning to Fly.....

Living out your faith is hard....this is a post about some faith steps our family has taken recently and the ups and downs they have brought....

We downsized by over 50% about two years 
and moved to Little Blue (April 2012)

....leaving behind our Woodland Palace 
and the love of our earthly stuff...

 With this change, we have all learned contentment, patience and humility. Our kids have experienced what it is like to follow God's dream for our family instead of living the American "dream" and how the world defines "success" (living in a big house, owning nice cars, have a high-paying job, etc).

Do I miss our old house? Yes, sometimes I miss the "creature features" and level of comfort that we had there but I don't miss the financial burden it was and the constant desire I always seemed to have to keep improving it (adding granite countertops and tile to the kitchen and all the bathrooms, buying new landscaping, redecorating and reorganizing spaces again and again, finishing the basement so it was as nice as the neighbors, etc).

Then in July 2013, Bryan was laid off from his engineering job. This would have been a HUGE issue if we were still at the Woodland house. But with a nice severance package and the minimal financial debt we have living at Little Blue, fear and worry didn't come crashing in. Instead, we turned to prayer and the Bible and found amazing comfort, guidance and wisdom. 

August 2013 brought a month of time and money for Bryan to help build Freshwater Waconia and transform the new campus into a beautiful place of worship where many people have come to better know Christ! Praise God!

Then Bryan began a new job in early September as a Field Application Engineer at Arrow. Our kids learned what it was like to trust God to provide and not fear when there was an unknown. After 3 months however, there were some things about the new job that didn't line up with Bryan's integrity as well as a hard question from the heart.....

"Why are you an FAE (Field Application Engineer)?"

Is it because it makes alot of money?.....Is it because others respect the engineering discipline?....Is it because God led you to do it?

Many nights of prayers and tears brought us both to a very difficult decision. 

We were standing at the edge of the cliff....this current career path didn't seem right anymore, our hearts were crying out to us to make a change....would we both be brave enough to take a leap of faith and trust God completely?

12/31/2013 was Bryan's last day as an FAE. 

He is currently on a sabbatical from engineering and is learning 
perseverance and endurance as he discovers what God has next for his life. 

This is one of the most courageous decisions I've ever seen him make.

God has been completely faithful and has provided for us in so many little ways over the past 10 weeks! Here is just one example:

12 days after Bryan's last day, we got an unexpected medical bill in the mail.

$1122 from Occupational Therapy sessions back in August!!!! 

Why didn't we get this bill back then? Because we would have had 
money to pay for it then.

 So we get the bill in mid-January and we pray instead. Bryan goes into the OT office and talks with the financial staff. They agree to resubmit the bill to insurance and we wait. Bryan decides to puts his snowmobile up for sale on Swap-n-Shop and it sells in one day which covers the bill amount! 

Two weeks later, we get a call from the OT office. The insurance has denied the claim BUT since they made a mistake and
 didn't document that insurance would only cover 20 sessions,
 they are going to take care of the bill!!! Praise the LORD!

With the change in our finances, Krista's dream for 
teaching music classes became a reality. 

In February 2014, Joyful Noise was born!  

Krista has been blessed to be able to sing, dance and play instruments with many young children & their mommies each week as they experience the joy of music!

With this new income, we continue to tithe whatever we earn and 
God continues to provide....what an amazing source of strength He is.....

There are still days that we feel like we are falling off that large cliff 
but God has our family in His mighty hands.

 We don't know what path He will place Bryan onto yet....
but we trust and believe that God is good and will protect 
and guide us on this new adventure called life....