Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Ever wrestle with a choice that keeps popping up but you really 
don't want to make the difficult decision?

Maybe you try a new approach to the problem 
and hope things will get better.....

.....But it doesn't......

....because deep down, you know to really address the problem.... might actually have to give up something...

This is how I felt about "THE HOME SCHOOL" decision...

You see, summer was coming to a close and 
my youngest was going to Kindergarten ALL DAY.

The "light at the end of the tunnel" was almost here!

There was that hint of the long awaited freedom of mothering young ones
and finally some time with my husband!

Everyone kept asking...."what are you going to do all day?"....

I didn't really know but I knew I would find something to do for 
30 hours a week while my three children were at school!

BUT, Sarah had a very difficult 3 weeks as she attempted to transition
to middle school this past September. Her anxiety levels were
extremely high due to that fact she threw up just 4 months before
which is her worst fear (emetophobia).

It became more and more apparent that the 
learning environment was too difficult for her and 
we might have to consider pulling her out.

Bryan was very supportive about my teaching abilities and
passion for curriculum and learning. 

I was more concerned of the extreme contrast of
personalities and learning styles of
 the teacher and the student.

BUT God spoke through many other people 
and after prayers and quiet time listening....

.....I knew I was being asked to
sacrifice my free time and become the 
teacher I always wanted to be....

It was for her provide her an environment
to learn and grow in her faith.....

The reward far outweighted the cost....and so I raised my white flag....

The journey so far has had it's ups and downs....

There have been many "down" days that test my patience 
as a mom and a teacher....

Those days I vent my frustrations to God and say...."See, I knew this would happen!!! How is this even worth it? I can't do this anymore.".....

And then my wise teacher gently reminds me....
"this is not about you....this is for her good and MY GLORY...."

But the "ups" now outweigh the "downs" and I have truly gotten
to know my daughter so much better over the past three months as we have spent one-on-one time each and every week day. 

She is an amazingly, creative person whose laughter explodes out
of her heart and fills the house with indescribable joy!

A girl now transforming into a beautiful young woman 
who loves Jesus with a bold faith that takes my breath away....

but my sacrifice doesn't even compare to 
the sacrifice of the one who loves me.....

I guess sacrifice is something that 

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