Letting go can be difficult.....Saying goodbye hurts.....
Deep down....you wonder....won't things feel empty without this?
My life will be so much different as I let this go.....
King Solomon had a different perspective....
"Sorrow is better than laughter because, in spite of a sad face, the heart can be joyful."
Ecclesiastes 7:3
I woke up today feeling like a part of me was slipping away....knowing that a new season was coming and it was time to accept the changes...
You see my youngest child is going to Kindergarten in just 6 weeks....
This preschool era has been a part of my life for over 10 years....
A decade of playdough and crayola....slowly fading into sweet memories....
This is the MOPS theme verse for this year......and it speaks deeply to the part of me that is standing on the verge of a very new thing....
I feel scared, excited and sad....all at the same time....
So as I struggled this morning to keep those sad thoughts and feelings at bay....I tried a variety of distraction techniques....
I tried to stay busy organizing things....but that didn't make the hurt go away.
I started to browse around on the Internet to buy something....but that didn't seem to satisfy the real craving I was having.....
So, I went into the kitchen to look for some chocolate.....didn't find any.....but what I did see was my iPod......
I slowly put in my earbuds and turned on some soft worship music.....and my heart smiled....aaahhh....the power of music....
It transported me past the hurt of this world and the thoughts that this life is just going too fast.....
If I keep trying to hold on too tight....I can't enjoy the moment.....I get stuck in past memories....
I slowly began to live IN THE MOMENT....TODAY....NOW......wrapped up in the love coming through the music.....and I found my joy again.
"They will enter Jerusalem singing, crowned with everlasting joy. Sorrow and mourning will disappear, and they will be filled with joy and gladness." Isaiah 51:11
"Today is the day, you have made...I will rejoice and be glad in it!!
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