We all have choices that we make each day.
What do we choose to eat for breakfast? What do we choose to wear?
What do we choose to do with our free time? Do we jump on Facebook or do we pause and read that devotional that is sitting on the counter?
What music do we choose to listen to? What television programs do we choose to have on in our home? What movies do we choose to watch or let our children go see?
Oh so many choices.....and those choices define your life.
Adam and Eve had a choice......
....you see there were TWO trees in the middle of the garden.
We always hear the story of the one tree...you know, the one with the forbidden fruit...but there was another right next to it....
Genesis 2:9
The LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground--trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
A tree of life....and a tree of death (spiritual that is)
Adam and Eve were allowed to eat from the tree of life and live forever.....God told them not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. That was the only restriction in the garden.....the only choice that they were to avoid.....
Things went well for a time....Adam and Eve took care of the garden....ate from the trees they were suppose to and were able to walk in fellowship with God each day. That was the blessing of their good choices.
Then....the "sneaky snake" comes on the scene.....he tricks the woman to take and eat the fruit of the tree of death. She gives the fruit to Adam and he makes another bad choice and their choices bring sin into their lives...
SIN.....an ugly word....darkness....disconnect from the spirit of God and the spirit within us....
You have choices every day that can bring life to yourself and others around you (you know....those decisions that match up with your values and God's commands).....
.....so, I encourage you to stand firm, choose wisely and live well!!!.....
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