Thursday, January 3, 2013

The eyes of my heart.....

Have you ever experienced something that you couldn't really explain? 

Something a bit different one day that just didn't make sense but you know for a fact it really happened? 

How do we explain these things? 

How do we trust and believe that sometimes, there is more to life than what we can see?

It is by faith that these events can be belief in what is unseen and the strong conviction that it is completely true.

By faith I can say that the most amazing thing happened when I went under water that afternoon.....I could see.....but not with my human eyes. 

Can I explain it? No, not really but here is what happened....

My baptism day at Lake Minnetonka in Mound, MN was a warm and sunny late June afternoon. About 35 people from Freshwater Church of St Boni, MN went over to the public beach after the morning church services to baptize by immersion those who desired to be.

I was excited. My husband, Bryan, had been baptized just 6 months before and this time, I was ready. I had surrendered my life to Jesus back in December and ever since then, there had been an ache...a deep longing in my chest (heart) to go underwater which I could not explain. 

My family and many of my close church friends were there to celebrate my special day. I waded out into the water to Pastor John and he spoke the words to me....

"I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; as you died in the likeness of Christ, you are risen onto new life".

John asked if I was ready?  "Yes" I replied. I plugged my nose with my right hand, held my elbow with my left hand and closed my eyes.....

John tipped me backwards and under the water.....

and as I was laying flat in the lake water....I suddenly...very clearly, saw the sunlight glittering through the surface of the water about 12" above my head. It was a strange, greenish color and the sun light was dancing around...then I saw the sky and clouds again as I was lifted back up out of the water. 

It was incredible! I walked over to my family and received big hugs from my kids and husband. Later when I told John that I saw the water during my baptism and he said "oh, you kept your eyes open huh?", I suddenly realized that I had not opened my eyes the entire time! All the pictures from three different angles show that my eyes are closed the entire time and yet, I could see....

How could this be?

My only way to explain it is to believe that the eyes of my heart or spirit were opened that day and I could see more than what my earthly eyes could at that moment.

The green I saw is visible just under my right elbow in the picture above and I was amazed to see that perfect color captured in the photo.

"Then the eyes of those who see will no longer be closed, and the ears of those who hear will listen"   Isaiah 32:3

"I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints"   Ephesians 1:18

1 comment:

  1. Hi Krista!
    I am so happy for you and your family! Being a believer is something that will bring peace to your life like nothing else - as I am sure you know! =) I look forward to following your blog and your personal journey!
