Monday, November 25, 2013

A season of making lists.....

Tis the season of lists....

....the daily "to-do list"....

....the grocery list to get ready for Thanksgiving.....

....the Christmas wish list....

....the wish list of things we'd love to do if only we found the time....

Okay, I will admit this straight out....I LOVE LISTS....yes, I'm a list girl.  

I feel very good in a little part of me to "check off" the box and see an accomplishment. 

However, I changed my attitude towards my lists a few months ago and it has made a profound effect on what I view as the important things to get done each day.....

I started a new list.....I call it my "spirit list"....

It is filled with the quiet thoughts that come from my heart...little things that could be done with my time....things that can help, that can heal, that can love and that can make a difference.

Things like calling that friend that has been struggling a bit lately.... returning that book that I borrowed so many months ago.... apologizing to a cousin that I should have been there for so many years ago and selfishly didn't travel to see.... inviting over neighbors for a meal even though that is out of my comfort zone.... painting out my faith tree on a canvas.... calling my parents when it is just easier to email....

You may have those little ideas as well. Those small whispers of love that speak to your heart and ask you to step out to help in this world....

I ask you in the season of lists to consider sitting down and trying to write a list from those heart whispers....things you could spend 15 minutes working on today....

For some reason, when I check off a box from that list versus my own "to-do"list, there is a deeper sense of satisfaction....

Slowly, I have enjoyed going to that list for ideas for what the day should really have in it instead of what I feel needs to happen. The chains from my lists are being broken, one at a time, and I am living each day a bit more free and full....

(Yes, blogging this today was a thought from my spirit list written just this morning....So, CHECK....complete!!!  YES!!!  Feels so good!)